What happens to cooking oil after it's been heated?


Image Source: https://www.testo.com/en-IN/

When cooking oil is heated it will start separating before bubbling, and at extreme heat, levels will give out smoke. But they won’t undergo any chemical change until you drop food items in it for deep frying or sautéing etc.

When you deep fry food, it is basically a dehydration process. The water & water-soluble substances get extracted from the food and transferred to the cooking oil.

Cooking oils undergo chemical changes including oxidation of the fatty acids, polymerization of the fatty acids, and breaking apart of the triglyceride molecules into free fatty acids and glycerol by hydrolysis, which will further increase with cooking time and temperature and are accelerated by the presence of food.

Various degradation substances are produced in the oil due to these actions called total polar materials(TPM).

Repetitive heating contaminates the oil and harms your health adversely. You should use a digital cooking oil tester to check the TPM levels and discard contaminated oil immediately if needed.


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