What Is infrared thermometer? What are they used for?


Infrared thermometers are one of the best options to measure temperature quickly, that

too at a distance and without touching the object to be measured.


What are infrared thermometers?

An infrared thermometer is a device that uses a lens to focus the infrared light emitting from

the object that needs to be measured on a detector known as a thermopile.


Temperature is one of the most frequently measured physical quantities. There are various

options available for measuring temperature using infrared light. In addition to traditional

thermometers, pyrometers are also proven to be the best instruments for measuring



What are they used for?

Infrared thermometers are extremely useful for measuring temperatures, especially when

the object to be measured is not to be touched. It's touch-free and uses advanced



  • ·         It is used for the fast, non-contact measurement of the surface temperature.
  • ·         Easy to handle even with dynamic surfaces or difficult locations.
  • ·         Accurate measurements.
  • ·         Cost-effective technology.


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