What are the latest smart devices?

Leading brands like Testo are introducing some of the coolest and most advanced smart devices in the market to ease the measuring solutions with much more precision and quality. 

Two of my favorites would be the Luxmeters light measurement device and Vane anemometers.

Did you ever think of a device that would actually measure the illuminance , or brightness in simple terms? 

Luxmeter is such a device. It measures the light intensity in the unit lux with the help of a light sensor. These meters are equipped with internal memory or data loggers to record and store the readings. This device has reduced the stress on the safety concerns at critical places like hospitals, schools, production areas, and laboratories. Any fluctuations in the illuminance can be detected with the help of this device.

Another one is a vane anemometer which is nothing but the classic wind speed meter that is used to measure airspeed, volume flow, and temperature, both outdoors and indoors. This device has made the analysis of the data much easier and can be combined with a smartphone app.


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