What Are the Best Options for Low Cost Accurate Humidity Sensing Between 90 and 100 RH

Deciding for the best device would be a tough choice to make. For an accurate humidity sensing, I would recommend using a Thermo hygrometer. Thermohygrometer is a device that measures both the humidity and temperature of air. It is capable of measuring different ranges of humidity and temperature depending on the device and the company/brand you select for the same. Thermohygrometer measures relative humidity that determines the source of the moisture. It basically measures the moisture vapour present in the air, which is done on a scale of 0 to 100% RH, where, 100% means the air is completely saturated. For human, 50-65% of air humidity is favorable, which exceeding may cause issues. You can find several devices through online platforms these days, but you should look for one of the best qualities and accurate Thermo hygrometer s available near you.